Thursday, March 31, 2011

Happy Opening Day!

Just dropping by to say Happy Opening Day!

 Cards Game Fall 2007

 Grace is even celebrating with her new Cardinals collar. 

Go Cards!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Week 14: My Pregnancy Journey

It's time for a weekly update. This week's major announcement and accomplishment, entering the second trimester! Well, this may have happened sooner according to some websites and books, but we'll go with it.

How Big is the Baby?

Today the baby is about the size of a lemon. Weighing in at approximately 1.5 oz. and 3.4 in. in length.
Photo courtesy of

Major milestones this week are that our baby can now squint, frown, grimace, pee, and possibly suck his or her thumb! 

How I'm changing?

Doesn't seem like much to report, but I do feel like I'm getting a little bigger. Total weight gain to date is 1.5 lbs. So I'm happy with that range. I'm hoping to keep my weight gain down to about 1/2 a lb over the next few weeks. Here's my first belly pic for ya'll:

I find it hilarious that before I took this picture I didn't think I was showing. Yep. I was wrong. 

In other news I had a weird pain on my left side last Thursday that of course freaked me out. When I did a bit of research I found that it is round ligament pain. This pain is caused by the ligaments beginning to stretch and thicken to support my growing size. Other than that I've just been tired and it usually hits me around 8:30 at night. This usually results in my crashing on the couch while we watch TV. 

What else is going on?

Worry. Stress. I'm amazed at the amount I worry now about everything. My solution to this has always been to plan ahead so I'm just trying to work through some of the stressors by making lists, spreadsheets etc. I'm sure it sounds a bit neurotic, but it brings me some peace. 

Oh and basketball. While I am enjoying watching March Madness, I'm pretty much done listening to squeaking bball shoes and crowds cheering. Wishing the weekends were more spring like and less like winter so I can escape to the outside to work on the yard. Hopefully this weekend. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Party Projects!

One of my favorite things to do and something that I've had the joy to do over the past few years is host parties. I love planning for the big event and the excitement of celebrating those I love. More specifically, I love being crafty and turning ribbon, paper and really any material from a craft store into a beautiful decorative piece. One thing I still haven't mastered, but really hope to work on is sewing.

This weekend was the perfect weekend to stay inside and work on my projects for my sister-in-laws upcoming baby shower. Who would have thought after last weekends 80 degree weather, we would have 2-4 inches of snow. So while it looked like this outside:

I spent my time inside creating this:

I got the idea from here:

Tiny prints has been a favorite site of mine for a while. This is where I purchased other shower invitations as well as our family Christmas cards. The prices are fairly reasonable and typically you can find a coupon as well.  This is also where the above invitation was purchased from.

My next project will be the diaper cake. Here is a sample of a cake that I created for my friend Val's baby shower.

Hope you are enjoying your weekend!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Special Announcement

As many of you know by now Mike and I are expecting our first baby at the end of September. I am 13 weeks pregnant today and still feeling pretty good. Just tired, but luckily haven't had much morning sickness. Here's a quick recap of our appointments and what we know:

On Valentine's Day Mike and I went to my first doctor's appointment and were able to see our baby's tiny heartbeat during the ultrasound. Seeing the heartbeat was such an amazing miracle and the best gift we could give each other on Valentine's day. It still stuns me that our tiny baby is slowly growing inside of my body. At that time our baby was the size of a raspberry. Here is the picture from our ultrasound. Sorry it's difficult to see. I had trouble scanning it in.

Last week we had our second appointment and that is when we finally heard Baby L's heartbeat. Just a constant whooshing sound on the Doppler, but such a relief and joy to finally hear. At that time I was 11 weeks 6 days. Baby L had grown from the size of a raspberry to the size of a plum.

So here we are today at 13 weeks. Baby L measures about the size of a peach.

As you can tell from the past few weeks the baby has grown quite a bit from a raspberry to a peach in only a few short weeks. Many of you are asking for baby bump pictures, but as of today still no bump and luckily just one LB gained. The doctor says since it is my first baby the bump won't come until sometime between weeks 14-18. Our next appointment will be in April and then we will find out the sex in May. Any guesses on if Baby L is a boy or a girl?

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Welcome! Fancy meeting you here! In all of my days I would have never expected that I'd be writing to you on a blog. Some of you may say, "That's crazy! You always talk about blogs and starting one." In reality I never thought I would have the confidence to put my world out there. So now you're probably wondering why I'm here then. To be honest the main reason I'm writing is to share our growing family with those who are far away, but near and dear to our hearts. Along with this I'll also be sharing recipes, crafts and home projects. So you're going to get a smorgasbord. Some things will interest you and some won't, so read what you would like. We look forward to sharing our adventures with you!

Happy St. Patrick's Day! 

Kegs n Eggs 2011
