How Big is Baby L?
Baby L is the size of a large mango this week.
He's about 11 inches long and weighs a little over a pound. Baby boy can now hear more sounds and feel me swaying to the music. The blood vessels in his lungs are developing to prepare for breathing. And he is getting use to all of the familiar sounds around me. The loudest of all is Gracie barking. "They" say this gets him use to the noise so it won't faze him after he is born. Let's hope that's the truth. I've been feeling a lot more movement, which is very fun. He's doing flips and feels like a little jumping bean. It mostly occurs around mid morning, between 10-11am, and then again in the evening.
How I'm changing?
Since I always start with weight gain. I will start there. Total gain at this point is between 14-15 lbs. After this past weekend, where I ate all weekend long, this really isn't that surprising.

So those pregnancy ailments that have been non-existent for me for the most part have now arrived. They decided to grace me with their presence while I was out of town this past weekend. Saturday morning, while at my friend Kari's race I started seeing white spots, getting clammy and then only could see white. I almost passed out. My blood pressure and blood sugar were taken and both were fine. The rest of the weekend I was worried about having preeclampsia or gestational diabetes. I talked to my Mom about it on Sunday when she came out for the baby shower and she helped ease my mind. She reminded me the same thing happened to me at Easter mass and I completely forgot. For the most part it probably occurred because of traveling and stress. Also, the increase in blood flow in my body probably affected this all as well. After talking to some of my friends they also had similar situations while pregnant.
So coupled with this bearing down on my mind. My emotions were in high gear. I was feeling big and little comments were getting to me. So far in my pregnancy I cried the most this weekend. Not because of anyone in particular or anything anyone did, my emotions were in high gear and I really believe it was mostly because of Saturday mornings occurrence. Mike even endured a five year old temper tantrum because he told me Jimmy John's was out of the way. Don't worry he got it for me and it was only five minutes out of the way. I'm just preparing him for a child :)
What else is going on?
Continuing to plan the nursery. We can't wait for the crib to come in. We ordered fabric for the curtains on Monday. I'm contemplating cloth diapers vs. disposables. Next Saturday we are going to a cloth diapering class and we will decide after that. We have friends visiting this weekend and we are super excited for them to be here. We plan to work on one of the art projects for the baby's room this weekend.