Size of Baby L: 6 lbs (size of a crenshaw melon?) 18.5" long according to Babycenter.
Total Weight gain: 32 lbs
Gender: Boy
Position: Head down, but not locked into position
Notes from doctors appointment: BP perfect, 1 1/2 cm dilated.
Movement: Big booty and possibly shoulders jabbing me. It's really cool to feel and try and guess what body part is pushing out. Also, hiccups every once in a while.
Sleep: This has gotten better over the last week. I switched from reading pregnancy and baby books before bed to a fun book. Currently reading I Don't Know How She Does It by Allison Pearson.
What I miss: My back not aching and sitting up straight not being a chore. Mostly just being comfortable. I'm not too bad. Just awkward.
Symptoms: Pretty much the same. Fatigue, Achey hips, Swollen feet/hands a twinge of heartburn here and there.
Nursery Stats: Curtains are up and beautiful!!! We need to finish up buying stuff this weekend, set up the bookshelf, storage and hang artwork.
Best Moment of the Week: Very sweet moment. This past Friday my friend Val and her son Wyatt dropped off their bassinet for Baby L to use. We enjoyed some pizza and playing with Wyatt. On their way out the door Wyatt came over to say bye to baby and kissed my belly. Such a sweetheart. Along with this, I also enjoyed a fabulous shower with my family on Sunday. I am very blessed to say the least.
Big Decisions:Nothing that I can think of.