Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Two Months Old

How did we get here already. This past Friday, November 4th our baby Charlie turned two months old. I'm still in awe of how quickly everyday goes, especially now that I am back to work. At his six week check up Charlie weighed in at 11 lbs and 22.5". He is in the 50% for both height and weight.

Changes in the last month:
  • more alert & awake time
  • talking
  • during tummy time will roll from his belly to back, actually did this during first month
Sleeping/Eating patterns:
  • naps are very erratic-not much for sleeping when there is so much to explore
  • unfortunately the lack of naps creates an overtired boy/hard to put to sleep
  • night sleep has gotten better, wakes up to nurse and then usually goes right back to sleep, ranging from 1.5 hours to 3-4 hours
  • eats every two and half to three hours
Music we are listening to & singing:
  • Pandora is our favorite-Mumford & Sons station, Jason Mraz, Johnny Cash, Dave Matthews etc.
  • we sing whatever comes to mind and make up lots of songs with Charlie's name in them
  • attended my cousin's soccer games
  • walks in Forest Park
  • Visited Nonny & Poppy's lake house in Ste. Genevieve for a hayride
  • Cardinals win the World Series-Daddy attends game 2, Mommy & Daddy attend Game 6
  • went to work with Mommy
  • celebrated Halloween at Uncle Jo Jo's and Aunt Caitie's