I've decided to write these posts as letters to Charlie instead of my typical bullet points. There is too much love to express about Charlie's 1st year and I feel my bullet points are too black and white. So here goes:
Dear Charlie,
Your six month has been the quickest of them all. It could be because we were super busy or it could be that the changes in you are happening at a much faster pace than before. We started out the month celebrating your half birthday in Navarre, FL with your Non and Pop. We had a great time hanging in the condo, walking the beach and going out to eat. The weather was a bit windy so we didn't get to enjoy the beach that much, but we enjoyed the time with our family. You, Mr. Serious were just that when we buried your toes in the sand. You weren't to thrilled about it. You just squinted and looked like a little old man. Thanks to your cuz, Joseph, for letting you borrow his sunglasses. Joseph also taught you a few tricks. After observing him for a few days you decided it was time to get into the action and started to try to move towards things by shifting from side to side with your arms. Still no crawling, but at this point you are moving in different directions.
From Navarre we packed back up and drove 13 hours to Indy to pick up Gracie. We spent the rest of the weekend there. Visited with some friends and family. The following weekend we celebrated St. Patrick's Day. Your Aunt, Uncle and cousins throw a huge party every year and we happily joined them. You, Mr. Observer stayed awake for 6 hours straight! There was just too much to take in. You aren't much for napping unless it's in your crib or in your car seat with almost all distractions out of sight. We did have a little stint for about a week where you nussled up to my neck and would fall asleep.Your sleep continues to get longer with some random (teething?) nights. You tend to wake up once to eat and then go back to bed.
As repetitive as it is, time is flying by. I decided to look back at my blog to see what was happening last year around this time. One of the major events was the birth of our your cousin Joseph. Amazing to be celebrating his 1st birthday already. Also, this time last year I was 15 weeks pregnant. You, my Charlie-bean, were the size of an orange. Today you are one big boy! At your 6 month check up on March 13th you were 18 lbs 13 oz and 27" long. 75% in both height and weight! I've had many people comment on how you will be a football. If I have anything to say about it, you won't be playing football. It's a little too much contact for me, but I'm all for you being a basketball star like your Dad.
In other exciting news you tried more solid food this month and love it!! You've tried sweet potatoes, carrots, bananas, peas and a little piece of pita bread. You liked everything, but the carrots and peas. We've had such a fun month and can't wait to see how much you grow and develop over the next few months!! Here are a bunch of photos from your 6 month!
St. Patrick's Day |
Playing |
6 month photo shoot |
Family picture |
Babbling boy |
Happy Baby |
Play time with Dad |
Sweet potatoes-keep 'em coming! |
Yum! |
Peas-not too sure |
The boys! |
Checking out Grace |
Going to hang with my cousins |
Looking out the window |
Helping Mom at work |
Go Cards! |