How Big is the Baby?
Baby is getting bigger and starting to look more and more like a human being and less alien like. This week our baby's legs are growing longer than his/her arms becoming more proportionate as the days move on. He/she can also begin to sense light, even though his/her eyelids are still fused shut.
How I'm changing?
While I am beginning to feel much bigger my weight hasn't changed much. On Sunday I thought I had gained like 5 lbs from last week. I was up a little less than 1/2 a lb from last weeks weigh in. Putting me at a little under 2 lbs gained. Tuesday morning I weighed in and only measured at l lb gain overall. Water weight probably. So anyway I'm really happy with my progress. Hopefully the doctor will be too next week when I go to see him. I haven't had a chance to take a 15 week picture this week. Sorry. Nothing major.
Other weird changes were the lovely hot flash/dizzy episodes I experienced twice last week. Both happening in the kitchen. This of course leads me to believe that my kitchen is exuding some toxic fumes that are causing this problem. In reality its my crazy fluctuating hormones. Gotta love how my paranoid brain works.
What else is going on?
With me not much else. I am still shocked by the sudden arrival of my new nephew. This of course leads me into planning/preparing overdrive just in case our baby decides to arrive super early. Looking forward to Joseph arriving home safely in the next few weeks and being able to hold him.
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