Thursday, May 26, 2011

Week 22: My Pregnancy Journey

How big is baby L?
 This week baby boy has reached approximately 1 lb and is nearly 11 inches long or about the length of a spaghetti squash (pictured below).

He's starting to look like a miniature newborn and according to babycenter his lips, eyelids, and eyebrows are becoming more distinct, and he's even developing tiny tooth buds beneath his gums. Not only that, but his eyes have formed, but the irises still lack pigment. This whole development process still amazes me. Such a tiny miracle.

How I'm changing?
Confession time. I think I keep procrastinating on my weekly updates because I don't want to talk about weight gain. While I'm super proud of my growing belly and I don't think I look bad, I'm still not totally comfortable with gaining weight. Your solution to this problem is probably to step off the scale and only look once a month at my doctors appointments, but for me I really think my weekly weigh ins keep me in check. To be realistic about everything, what needs to happen is I need to go to the grocery store and plan my meals. I literally have not been on a real weekly grocery store trip in two weeks. I don't plan my meals, which leads us to going out to eat a lot. Too much. This, I know, really affects my weight gain. I'm probably eating too much and need more nutritious foods in my life. Okay, that's enough of my sob story. I won't avoid it anymore. I've gained approx. 11-12 lbs so far. While this doesn't seem bad and I guess its not. My main concern is that I've gained about 7.5 lbs in the last month. That's an average of ~2 lbs per week and I'm not okay with this. Rant/Confession over. Here's my 22 week pic:

I include a pic of G because every week when we go to take my picture, she lays on the carpet in the exact same spot. She probably thinks I'm a wierdo and her face reads "Here we go again..."

Also, I need to learn to take my picture at the beginning of the day and not at the end. I look tired. Not many other changes this week. Still feeling good and I think there are several reasons for this:

1.) Weekly chiropractic adjustments
2.) 90 minutes of yoga once a week
3.) An amazing pregnancy pillow ( 

What else is going on?
We have a busy Memorial weekend planned and we are very excited. My sis-in-law is graduating from college and we are attending our first baby shower. I'll have a recap next week. Other than that we've been dodging tornadoes. You know it's bad when you have a pillow and blanket stashed in the basement under the staircase and it's been used at least twice a week. We are very lucky and continue to pray for those who have been effected by the tornado outbreaks.


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