Wednesday, August 1, 2012

10 ways to make August Amazing!

I read many blogs and one that I love does a list of 10 things (goals) every month to make the month special! Here is a link to her blog if interested:

I decided to make a list of my own this month since I know August will be over in a blink of an eye and then it is my baby's 1st birthday!! So here goes:

1. Take a group gym class. One thing that I really miss in my office is being around people. Sure I see people every once in a while, but a lot of my time is spent on my own. I think it will be fun to do and plus I could use a little movement in my life.

2. Plan a date night. Last month Mike and I had a few date nights. We went to two Dave Matthews concerts and even went out to dinner at Nico. Maybe this month we will see a movie. Wow, how my life has changed.

3. Make room for stuff. With Charlie's upcoming birthday I know that he will get lots of toys, books etc. In preparation for this I need to make room for it. Maybe if our house wasn't on the market I would care less, but because it is I have to do all that I can to make our house look bigger than it is. So on the list clean/organize Charlie's closet and the office/play room closet.

4. Get rid of stuff. Sounds silly since #3 is to make room for stuff, but I know that there is stuff in our house that we don't use.

5. Research/plan how to wean Charlie off of breast milk. It seems like every month I have something new I have to figure out with him. Dropping feedings at this point has been pretty natural. The kid likes to eat solids, but now I have to figure out how to gradually reduce feedings and add in cows milk or whatever I find is the best fit for him. If you have any advice please let me know.

6. Get into the habit of walking at least 3-4x/week. Pretty self explanatory. I need more movement. Grace is driving me nuts and needs more movement too. It will be a win-win for all!

7. Eat at least 3 veggies a day. I could eat fruit all day, but veggies aren't my thing.

8. Make Mike's birthday special. Birthdays in my family were never a big thing, but in my husbands family they are. Ever since giving birth to Charlie I've come to realize how exciting of a day it is! I'd like to make the hubby feel special especially since Charlie's birthday is a week after his and we all know when children come along the adults tend to take the back seat.

9. Swim 1x/week. I love swimming. I don't like chlorine, but I do love swimming!

10. Go water skiing. With my parents new lake house being right on the big lake now and having a ski boat its hi time I get up on ski's. I honestly don't remember the last time I skied.  

So that's it! Fun times ahead!

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