Monday, January 9, 2012

Four Months Old

Changes in the last month:
  • more neck and back strength
  • tries to do crunches and roll his body over 
  • smiles a lot
  • more talkative
  • found his hands & thinks they are the best toy ever
  • grasps onto toys and can pick them up if they are near
  • everything he can get his hands on goes right into his mouth
  • sleeps unswaddled at night

    Sleeping/Eating patterns:
    • naps aren't as predictable as before, but usually takes one good 1.5-2 hour nap and then several 30-45 minute naps
    • night sleep continues to improve , wakes up to nurse once or twice a night-sleeps for a total of 10-12 hours
    • eats every three hours except for at night when he goes 5-7 hours

      • attended Missouri Botanical Gardens with Mom, Nonny, Aunt Andrea and my cousins for the yearly Gardenland Express train show
      • went to Jilly's with Mom, Dad and their friends
      • Enjoyed 50 degree days with walks
      • Celebrated Christmas with the Z family
      • Celebrated Mom's 29th birthday with breakfast at First Watch 
      • Celebrated New Years