Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas 2011

Christmas was an exciting time this year as we celebrated Charlie's first Christmas. With Charlie only being 3.5 months old much of the excitement is a bit lost on him, but we still were excited to share with him the love and joy of the holiday season. It seems that Charlie's favorite parts of the season are the lights and the photo Christmas cards. As Mike and I sat down to enjoy our Dewey's pizza for my birthday dinner yesterday, Mike noted how we would miss these times when we could put Charlie in his pumpkin seat in front of the Christmas tree or our display of photo Christmas cards. Next year will be a different story.  This year we stayed home and celebrated Christmas with family. On Christmas Eve we enjoyed a scrumptious dinner of beef tenderloin, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole and pear salad followed with dessert and gift opening. 

Here is our little family:
Charlie and his cousins minus a sleeping Joseph. It's exciting to know that next year this little clan will be even bigger.
 Joseph & Charlie:

Christmas morning we actually slept in till 8 AM. We woke to a crock pot breakfast casserole, which I found on pinterest. While we were impressed that breakfast was cooking while we slept, the recipe itself wasn't all it was cracked up to be. After eating we facetimed with Mike's family and then opened presents. We aren't huge gift people, but Charlie received a playmat and book. Mike received a Dave Matthews lullaby cd and Journey lullaby cd. I also gave him frames with pictures of Charlie for his desk at work and a tour of Busch Stadium for this spring. I was the big winner scoring a Kindle Fire as a joint Christmas & Birthday present. In the afternoon we went to my parents house to relax and have dinner. We enjoyed some time outside as it was sunny and 51*. Here are a few pictures from our day:

Facetime and relaxing on the new play mat

Tummy time

Opening gifts 

Charlie liked the wrapping paper

Cuddly guy waking up from a nap

We hope you had a wonderful Christmas and were surrounded by those you love. We are blessed to continue our Christmas celebration into the new year with Mike's family.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Three Months Old

Changes in the last month:
  • more alert & awake time
  • talking
  • during tummy time will roll from his belly to back
  • grasping onto toys we put in his hands 
  • smiling a lot 
  • when placed on his back and is slowly pulled up by his hands to a sitting position he can hold his head straight

Sleeping/Eating patterns:
  • naps are getting more predictable-his only cue is when he yawns, we use the exercise ball to bounce him to sleep, not a huge fan of the rocking chair
  • night sleep continues to improve , wakes up to nurse and then usually goes right back to sleep, ranging from 2 hours to some 6-7 hour stretches
  • eats every two and half to three hours
  • celebrated Mom & Dad's five year anniversary with breakfast at Half & Half in Clayton-slept 6 hours straight for the 1st time :)
  • Met my great Aunts, Uncle and Great Grandpa Frank
  • Baptized at St. Francis Xavier Church where Mom & Dad were married 5 years and 2 days before
  • First road trip to Indianapolis, IN-did great slept the whole way, had to be woken up to eat
  • Celebrated Thanksgiving with the Logars in Indy
  • Met some of Mommy and Daddy's college friends 
  • Decorated my first xmas tree

    Tuesday, November 8, 2011

    Two Months Old

    How did we get here already. This past Friday, November 4th our baby Charlie turned two months old. I'm still in awe of how quickly everyday goes, especially now that I am back to work. At his six week check up Charlie weighed in at 11 lbs and 22.5". He is in the 50% for both height and weight.

    Changes in the last month:
    • more alert & awake time
    • talking
    • during tummy time will roll from his belly to back, actually did this during first month
    Sleeping/Eating patterns:
    • naps are very erratic-not much for sleeping when there is so much to explore
    • unfortunately the lack of naps creates an overtired boy/hard to put to sleep
    • night sleep has gotten better, wakes up to nurse and then usually goes right back to sleep, ranging from 1.5 hours to 3-4 hours
    • eats every two and half to three hours
    Music we are listening to & singing:
    • Pandora is our favorite-Mumford & Sons station, Jason Mraz, Johnny Cash, Dave Matthews etc.
    • we sing whatever comes to mind and make up lots of songs with Charlie's name in them
    • attended my cousin's soccer games
    • walks in Forest Park
    • Visited Nonny & Poppy's lake house in Ste. Genevieve for a hayride
    • Cardinals win the World Series-Daddy attends game 2, Mommy & Daddy attend Game 6
    • went to work with Mommy
    • celebrated Halloween at Uncle Jo Jo's and Aunt Caitie's

    Friday, October 7, 2011

    One month old

    On Tuesday, October 4th Charlie turned one month old. It is unbelievable how time just flies by. During August and basically after we hit the 30th week of pregnancy time started to move like molasses. Before that my pregnancy flew by. Again, time is moving at a ridiculous speed. Our boy is growing so big. We haven't officially weighed him or taken his length, but of course like giddy kids we jump on the scale and measure him with a tape measurer. Clearly, we are first time parents. From this mornings weigh in Charlie is about 10.2 lbs and is 22" long. We go back to the doctor on the 19th and will have official stats then.

    Changes in the last month:
    • more alert & awake time
    • his eyes follow objects
    • he makes eye contact with us
    • lifts his head when on stomach-did this since day two-strong boy!
    Sleeping/Eating patterns:
    • still confused about days and nights
    • during the day waking or being woken every three hours to nurse
    • at night fusses quite a bit/produces lots of saliva, sometimes sleeps 4 hours or 5 minutes
    Music we are listening to & singing:
    • Mumford & Sons-we decided Timshel is our song for Charlie
    • Jason Mraz-always a favorite
    • Daddy sings baby beluga/other random goodies-we have trouble remembering nursery rhymes or kids songs at this point
    • bath
    • walking
    • tummy time
    • singing and reading-loves Hello, Bugs!
    • laying on the play mat and looking around
    • sleeping in the Moby Wrap or in the basinett
    • meeting & greeting the many visitors 

      Reading Clifford with my big gray dog, Gracie

      Monday, October 3, 2011

      A Mother's Prayer

      Oh give me patience when wee hands
      Tug at me with their small demands.
      And give me gentle and smiling eyes.
      Keep my lips from hasty replies.
      And let not weariness, confusion or noise
      Obscure my vision of life's fleeting joys.
      So when, in years to come my house is still
      No bitter memories its rooms may fill.


      Friday, September 23, 2011

      Charlie's first week home

      We've had a busy last few weeks. Between learning to nurse, figuring out sleep and meeting many friends and family we've had little time for anything else. Here's a quick recap of Charlie's 1st week:

      1st Well Baby Visit (4 days old). The results:

      6 lbs 11 oz 25% (same as when we left the hospital)
      21.5" 75% (same as when we left the hospital)

      On the 9th Mike and I celebrated 10 years from the day we met each other in college.  Mike brought me home chocolates. Sweet hubby.

      We had to miss our nephews birthday party, but we sent pictures and gifts in our absence. It was also grandparents day!

      We also ventured out as a family for our first walk. Charlie enjoyed it and slept the entire time. I'm glad he likes his car seat and the outdoors.

      Friday, September 16, 2011

      Our Labor Day Weekend

      I know I'm almost two full weekends behind on posting, but that's because this precious boy decided to come a bit early.

      Most people celebrate labor day with BBQ's, trips to the lake and ultimately spending time with friends and family. It's the closing of the summer and for us it was the end of my pregnancy and the beginning of our beautiful baby boy's life. Charles "Charlie" Michael was born quickly and unexpectedly Sunday, September 4th at 8:47 AM.

      Here is the tale of our literal labor day weekend:

      Friday, Mike took off work to run some errands and take care of a few things before the baby arrived. I worked my usual day at the office, met my friend Melissa for lunch and stopped by Kohls to pick up some Rams onesies for Charlie and Dad's football Sundays. After work Mike met me and we dropped by my parents to pick up the breast pump they generously bought for us. We hung with them for a bit and then headed to Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner. We ended the night with finishing up our registry purchases and a snack size M&M McFlurry.

      Saturday, I did baby laundry and we went to Target to buy birthday gifts for our nephews and organization stuff for the nursery. We went to Whole Foods for lunch and then came home to work on the nursery and I worked on my hospital bag. That night we celebrated my Dad and brother's birthdays. That evening I told my Mom and sister that I felt like I was carrying low. When I would get up from a chair I was a bit achy. While sitting on the couch with Mike I thought the baby's back was up against my side because my belly was really hard.

      I had no idea that I was most likely having contractions. We came home and I crashed.

      Sunday morning, Charlie's birthday, I woke at 5:45 AM to go to the bathroom and my water broke. Not a bunch so I wasn't sure. I laid back in bed and asked Mike to put his arm around me. He asked what was wrong and I said, "Don't freak out, but I think my water broke." At 6:30 I called the exchange and at 6:39 the doctor on call told me to go into labor and delivery. Mike hadn't packed at that point and I wasn't totally finished. We both took quick showers, fed Gracie, took her out and made the bed. We arrived at the hospital at 7:30. I only had Mike bring up my purse as I didn't think I was having him that day. I really hadn't timed my contractions, but thinking back on it, I probably had 3 or 4 on the way to the hospital, which takes about 15 minutes to get to. To me it was just a lot of pressure and I felt like I had to go to the bathroom. We were checked into triage so they could check me out. Not much time spent there as I was sent to Labor & Delivery. At 8:47 AM Charlie arrived. Weighing 7 lbs. 5 oz. and measuring 20.5". I was 36 weeks and 5 days pregnant. 

      Baby Charlie's 1st Picture

      Handsome & Proud Papa
      1st Family Photo

      Tuesday, August 30, 2011

      Week 36: My Pregnancy Journey

      How Far Along: 36 weeks

      Size of Baby L: 6 lbs (size of a crenshaw melon?) 18.5" long according to Babycenter.

      Total Weight gain: 32 lbs

      Gender: Boy

      Position: Head down, but not locked into position

      Notes from doctors appointment: BP perfect, 1 1/2 cm dilated.

      Movement: Big booty and possibly shoulders jabbing me. It's really cool to feel and try and guess what body part is pushing out. Also, hiccups every once in a while.

      Sleep: This has gotten better over the last week. I switched from reading pregnancy and baby books before bed to a fun book. Currently reading I Don't Know How She Does It by Allison Pearson.

      What I miss: My back not aching and sitting up straight not being a chore. Mostly just being comfortable. I'm not too bad. Just awkward.

      Cravings: Sugar :(

      Symptoms: Pretty much the same. Fatigue, Achey hips, Swollen feet/hands a twinge of heartburn here and there.

      Nursery Stats: Curtains are up and beautiful!!! We need to finish up buying stuff this weekend, set up the bookshelf, storage and hang artwork.

      Best Moment of the Week: Very sweet moment. This past Friday my friend Val and her son Wyatt dropped off their bassinet for Baby L to use. We enjoyed some pizza and playing with Wyatt. On their way out the door Wyatt came over to say bye to baby and kissed my belly. Such a sweetheart. Along with this, I also enjoyed a fabulous shower with my family on Sunday. I am very blessed to say the least.

      Big Decisions:Nothing that I can think of.

      Thursday, August 25, 2011

      Week 35: My Pregnancy Journey

      How Far Along: 35 weeks

      Size of Baby L: 5 1/4 lbs (size of a honeydew melon) 18" long according to Babycenter.

      Total Weight gain: 30 lbs (? don't know this week) I decided I'm just going to let my doctors appointments be my weight ins. I have an appointment next week and then I start going every week.

      Gender: Boy

      Movement: Not anything too big, but bumps and I can feel him shifting around.Hiccups, typically in the morning.

      Sleep: Oh sleep, how we use to be best friends. Now between waking up to flip and go to the bathroom I think about everything that needs to be done. I also question every little ache and twinge wondering if he is coming sooner than later. I have less than five weeks till my due date, but in the scheme of things he could come in 2 weeks. All I do know is I need to work on relaxing. My stress level has been too high and I need to remember what's important and that's my little guy.

      What I miss: The days when shaving my legs was easy. As well as weeding the yard. I've definitely had to learn how to slow down.

      Cravings: Sugar

      Symptoms: Fatigue, Achey hips, Swollen feet/hands. Constant thinking and worrying. Is that a symptom or is that just motherhood?

      Nursery Stats: No changes here this week. All of his clothes and gear covers are washed. We should be putting the finishing touches together this week or so.

      Best Moment of the Week: My memory is failing me.

      Big Decisions:Nothing in particular this week.

      Saturday, August 20, 2011

      Planning ahead-freezer meals

      These days it seems that all I ever do is prepare for Baby L's arrival. Planning and preparing is one thing I do know how to do, so this definitely helps ease some anxiety for the big changes that are about to take place in our house. One way I am preparing for baby boy's arrival is by making and freezing meals ahead of time. Today Mike and I did some grocery shopping and tomorrow afternoon we will be cooking. I've decided we will be making six dishes total, which will last us 2-3 meals per dish. Tomorrow we will focus on making the chicken dishes. Here they are:

      Chicken Tortilla Soup is something we typically make in the fall. I've never made this recipe before, but boy do I love using my crock pot. It makes life a lot simpler. The chicken broccoli casserole isn't something I've made before. As you've read in a previous post we like to make chicken, broccoli & potatoes, I figured this is similar. It also seemed to have great reviews. The BBQ chicken we never had until last night. I prepped the meal Wednesday night. Chopping all of the vegetables, which took me about 10-15 minutes and then Thursday I added the chicken, sauce and spices. No particular reason for that timing other than laziness. I set it in the fridge and then Friday when Mike came home for lunch he sprayed the crock pot with Pam and dumped in the ingredients. When I came home around 4:45 the smell of BBQ was wafting outside my house. Do you think it's drafty? ;) The results were very yummy. The one change we will make is instead of using drumsticks we will use chicken breasts the next time. So tomorrow we will be prepping the meals for the freezer.

      Thursday, August 18, 2011


      40 days left! This is truly unbelievable!

      Well, maybe...it could be more, it could be less.
      Source: http://thriftstoreconfidential.com/2011/01/27/tsc-video-saving-a-bundle-on-cute-maternity-wear/stork/

      What are your predictions for Baby L's arrival? How much do you think he will weigh in at? How many inches?

      Estimated Due Date: 9/27

      Wednesday, August 17, 2011

      Week 34: My Pregnancy Journey

      I promise one of these days I will post something else other than these weekly updates. I have a few posts planned, but not completed. An organization post on how to handle household paperwork, a nursery update, frozen meal prep and possibly a day in the life pre-baby. But for now this is what I have for you. :)

      How Far Along: 34 weeks

      Size of Baby L: 4 3/4 lbs (size of an average cantaloupe) 18" long according to Babycenter.

      Total Weight gain: 30 lbs

      Gender: Boy

      Movement:Big swift booms that shake my whole stomach. Mike thinks he felt a finger the other day. :)

      Sleep: Same as usual. Waking up to use the rest room and flip sides. My hips have been achey and its harder to fall back asleep when I wake up at 4:30. I figure if I'm up I might as well start my day. Makes for a very sleepy Katie at the end of the day.

      What I miss: Wearing non-pregnancy clothes. Feeling like a normal non-pregnant person. I feel like Santa Clause.

      Cravings: Edy's Fruit Bars :)

      Symptoms: Fatigue, Achey hips, Swollen feet/hands. Also, forgot to mention that stretch marks set in about 2 weeks ago and look terrible :(

      Nursery Stats: Put together the night stand. Bookshelf is built and is in the process of being painted. We hung one piece of artwork and have a few pieces left to hang.

      Best Moment of the Week: More like funniest. My 4.5 year old nephew poked my stomach and I told him that is Baby C. He responded with, "So that's why your tummy is so big and fat." Telling it like it is. Keep it real.

      Big Decisions: Finally, decided who my doctor would be. Back in June I learned that as of July 31st my doctor would no longer be delivering babies and switched gears in his career. Leaving me with going somewhere else or choosing one of the three other doctors in the practice. Over the last 2 months I've met all three and after yesterdays appointment we've decided who our doctor will be. I'm really happy with the decision. Also, since I finally could decide, I could also preregister. Things are getting checked off the list. :)

      Friday, August 12, 2011

      Week 33: My Pregnancy Journey

      How Far Along: 33 weeks

      Size of Baby L: 4 lbs 17" according to Babycenter.

      Total Weight gain: 28-29 lbs

      Gender: Boy

      Movement: Hasn't been a ton, but baby boy sure does love Edy's Fruit Bars (Popsicles). Every single time I eat one, which is probably everyday, he always moves afterward.

      Sleep: Just waking to switch which side I am sleeping on or to go to the bathroom. Still able to sleep pretty well, but so far no major

      What I miss: Having a normal non-pregnant body. Bending over is a chore. It's not terrible it's just awkward. I'm starting to feel very huge, which doesn't help the self-esteem.

      Cravings: Edy's Fruit Bars :)

      Symptoms: Same as last week with a bit of heartburn mixed in.

      Nursery Stats: The crib is up and we were finally able to put the beautiful crib skirt my mother in law made on to it. My brother is finishing up the bookcase and we need to hang artwork. Night stand is ordered and just needs to be put together. For the most part it's coming together.

      Best Moment of the Week: Brain freeze. I can't think of anything. I was very excited to finally learn our crib was here!!

      Big Decisions:Again brain freeze. Nothing major.