Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Week 27 & Week 28: My Pregnancy Journey

Sorry I missed posting last week and I didn't take a picture. Here's the update:

How Far Along: 27 weeks

Size of Baby L:2 lbs 14.5"

Total Weight gain: 21-22lbss (uggh)

Gender: Boy

Movement: Been busy so I don't feel him much till I slow down. I feel him in the morning when I wake up and then again mid afternoon. Always in the evenings. He kicked up high the other day and that was a strange feeling

Sleep: Pretty good. The only interruption other than bathroom breaks were from storms. Two nights this last week we had some nasty thunderstorms roll in and they woke all of us up.

What I miss: Being thinner. I'm just feeling big lately.

Cravings: Organic Gala Apples, sweets and crunchy stuff.

Symptoms: Crabby

Nursery Stats: Still waiting on the crib. Ordered the rug and that should arrive next week. Will be ordering the glider this weekend.

Best Moment of the Week: While hanging out with my nephews, J.P. and I were sitting on the couch and all of a sudden I notice his little hand on my belly, asking if I feel the baby move. It was a very sweet moment.

Big Decisions: None that I can think of. I bit the bullet and ordered the giraffe print rug. I guess that was a big decision for me.
How Far Along: 28 weeks

Size of Baby L: 2.25lbs 14.8"

Total Weight gain: 21.5-22 lbs

Gender: Boy

Movement: Totally random and while his movements seemed to be on my right side they've definitely migrated to different locations. Sometimes I feel him up high and sometimes way low. This boy is flipping around.

Sleep: Still holding pretty strong. Woke up with a charlie ;) horse and some leg cramps, but that's about it other than the routine bathroom trips.

What I miss: Not a ton. Mostly just get frustrated when I'm not able to do things because I'm pregnant.

Cravings: Crunchy stuff. Lays potato chips are tasty and I've never really liked them before. Watermelon.

Symptoms: Leg cramps

Nursery Stats: Still waiting on the crib.Picked up the rug and love it! Can't wait to see the room put together. We also ordered our rocker/recliner. Keeping my fingers crossed that everything will go together.

Best Moment of the Week: Nothing super exciting. I'm really enjoying spending time with Mike before baby arrives.

Big Decisions: Ordered the rocker.

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