Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Week 29: My Pregnancy Journey

How Far Along: 29 weeks

Size of Baby L: 2.5lbs 15.25"

Total Weight gain: 23-24 lbs

Gender: Boy

Movement: Movements are a lot sharper this week. I'm thinking elbows maybe :) The craziest feeling is when he rumbles around in my stomach like he is flipping around. All of a sudden you just feel him shift. Mike felt it the other day and I think he was a little freaked out.

Sleep: Doing well. Getting more anxious, which is keeping me up later. Bathroom breaks and leg cramps are usually what wake me. The other night he was a having a dance party that lasted till about 11:30. 

What I miss: Other than looking in a mirror and seeing a normal reflection not much. This is a pretty remarkable experience and is such a privilege to be able to go through.

Cravings: Same. Crunchy stuff. Lays potato chips. Always have to have something crunchy. Carrots for good measure.

Symptoms: Fatigue, leg cramps, being emotional and crying, usually about twice a week, which is far more than I've cried in a long time.

Nursery Stats: Waiting on furniture.... Hoping it will all arrive the weekend of the 22nd so we can start putting it together!!

Best Moment of the Week: Celebrating baby L's upcoming arrival with my friends. It was so much fun to see everyone and catch up. Also, per usual and to add to the sappy factor having Mike feel the baby's kicks. I love seeing his reaction!

Big Decisions: Buying a pair of wedges ;) Really I've kind of taken a break from nursery planning, pregnancy and childcare reading. I'll pick it back up every few days, but sometimes it's nice not feeling overwhelmed with all that is going to change in a few months.

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