Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Week 34: My Pregnancy Journey

I promise one of these days I will post something else other than these weekly updates. I have a few posts planned, but not completed. An organization post on how to handle household paperwork, a nursery update, frozen meal prep and possibly a day in the life pre-baby. But for now this is what I have for you. :)

How Far Along: 34 weeks

Size of Baby L: 4 3/4 lbs (size of an average cantaloupe) 18" long according to Babycenter.

Total Weight gain: 30 lbs

Gender: Boy

Movement:Big swift booms that shake my whole stomach. Mike thinks he felt a finger the other day. :)

Sleep: Same as usual. Waking up to use the rest room and flip sides. My hips have been achey and its harder to fall back asleep when I wake up at 4:30. I figure if I'm up I might as well start my day. Makes for a very sleepy Katie at the end of the day.

What I miss: Wearing non-pregnancy clothes. Feeling like a normal non-pregnant person. I feel like Santa Clause.

Cravings: Edy's Fruit Bars :)

Symptoms: Fatigue, Achey hips, Swollen feet/hands. Also, forgot to mention that stretch marks set in about 2 weeks ago and look terrible :(

Nursery Stats: Put together the night stand. Bookshelf is built and is in the process of being painted. We hung one piece of artwork and have a few pieces left to hang.

Best Moment of the Week: More like funniest. My 4.5 year old nephew poked my stomach and I told him that is Baby C. He responded with, "So that's why your tummy is so big and fat." Telling it like it is. Keep it real.

Big Decisions: Finally, decided who my doctor would be. Back in June I learned that as of July 31st my doctor would no longer be delivering babies and switched gears in his career. Leaving me with going somewhere else or choosing one of the three other doctors in the practice. Over the last 2 months I've met all three and after yesterdays appointment we've decided who our doctor will be. I'm really happy with the decision. Also, since I finally could decide, I could also preregister. Things are getting checked off the list. :)

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