Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Week 24: My Pregnancy Journey

How big is Baby L?
The lil guy is getting bigger. This was clearly evident in my ultrasound this week. Score!! We were lucky that our doctor's doppler was being repaired. This week baby L is more than a pound and a half and is about a foot long or the size of an ear of corn. He continues to grow and develop.
How I'm changing?
My weight gain is between 15-16 lbs at this point. I'm hoping I can get my eating in check so that I can gain 1lb or less every week. I'd also like to be walking more and I think I may have to resort to the treadmill since the temperature has been too hot. We walked to the library Sunday afternoon, which was about 3 miles round trip. It felt good to be moving, but was pretty warm with a high of 90*.

In great news, my doctor's office called and told me I passed my glucose screening test and I do not have gestational diabetes. Who hoo!! I was really happy to hear that. I love sugar and was worried I would have to give up fruit. Major bummer for a preggo in the sweltering summer. Also, my measurements were right on and I am measuring 24-25 weeks.

Not much else changing. I've been a bit achy. Mostly in my back and sometimes my legs hurt.

What else is going on?
We had a great weekend with our friends and I'll be recapping later this week. Sarah and I worked on a project for the nursery and she worked on the same project for her gallery wall. I'll be posting about that too. It turned out really cute. In other nursery news, we received our mattress today and are still awaiting the crib. I hope to possibly find a rug this weekend.     

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